Help make Delaware Avenue a “Complete Street”!

6:30 pm - Thursday, June 15, 2023

Elsmere Elementary School

247 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY 12054


Delaware Avenue is one of Bethlehem's primary streets, connecting the town to the City of Albany to the east and the more rural parts of Albany County to the West. The primary goal of this project is to create a more balanced transportation system along Delaware Avenue to increase safety for users of all ages and abilities, otherwise known as Complete Streets.

Find out about the project’s goals and objectives

Share your experiences and concerns

Learn about and provide input on the current improvements being considered

Learn about the project website and forthcoming interactive web plans


Learn more at

Or please contact Rob Leslie, Director of Planning at or (518) 439-4955


Kenwood Avenue Traffic Calming Study - Oct. 10 Open House


Yard Signs Now Available!